
our story

Kailua Ocean Adventurers is a eco-tourism business on the windward side of Oahu in Kailua. Located in a historical Hawaiian town, we are the only cultural based business that allows guests to travel island style, just as Hawaiians and Polynesians did before. 

our mission

To share with our guest an authentic experience, both culturally and historically, based on the use of the Wa'a (canoe) and its roots in Polynesian culture. 

To become immersed in the waterman culture that is Hawai'i as we explore the waters of Kailua Bay.

To experience the abundant Hawaiian sea life that is our bay- from the fish, Honu (sea turtle), 'Iwa (Hawaiian Frigate bird) and `Ilio holo i ka uaua. (Hawaiian monk seals). 

To partner with non-profits and after-school programs offering our resources and time to mentor and educate the keiki on the ocean and as our future caretakers of the Island. 

our community

Since our inception in 2011, Kailua Ocean Adventures has opened up our tools and resources to local and national non-profits as well as school programs for the educational purposes of sharing our ocean knowledge and experience while installing our core values in their everyday life. We have lead and assisted in various ocean courses teaching paddling and sailing fundamentals and ocean safety as well as hosted beach days where we provide our equipment and team all free of charge.

While working alongside non-profits, KOA’s end goal is to teach and instill the core values of Kuleana, Ohana and Aloha, along with the non-profits goals, and emphasize the importance that each one of these values has in our personal lives, family, and community. Our end goal is to share these values and experiences with as many keiki as possible while watching them and mentoring them into Hawai‘i’s and the world’s future leaders.